This is the first reward that I've recieved for my web page. I have only been online for a little while now and I still consider myself a begginer when it comes to making web pages. Everybody got to start somewhere. Well I would like to thank that foo Gabriel. He helped me out with a lot of stuff. I would like to thank the guys at And all the people at who gave me advice when I used ask people at random.
This award confirms that my first award wasn't a fluke so it makes me feel pretty good. If there are two places out there that think my web page is ok then it must be ok. Now I can say I got these awards because "I got skillz like that" not because I got lucky.
It took me a while ,but I finally won another award. If you like my web site got to the angelfire voting thing and nominate my page for there web page of the month thing or whatever they do.
I've been waiting like two weeks to find out if I had won or not. I finally found out that I won and it and it's cool to win awards. I wonder when I'll win another award. This might be my last award for a while since I ship off to boot camp on July 6. I might not get back online till maybe a year or two from my shipping day.
Looks like I forgot again. I guess I applied for more awards than I thought. Nevertheless it still feels good.
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I like this award. This award is for helping others make their own web pages. I always try to encourage people to make their own web pages. A web page is a good way to express your feelings and be creative. I put a couple tools on the page to try to help others out cause I had lots of help on the way.
I didn't think I would get this award. It seems like a hard award to get but I applied just for the hell of it and I won. Well I don't know much else to, but "I like it a lot".